Spring 2017

Volume No.: 
Issue No.: 

Welcome to the Spring 2017 issue of ConnectionsThis issue highlights details and photos from our 2017 Annual Conference held in Orlando, FL, as well as restructure updates and a call for AMTE awards! We look forward to seeing you in 2018, when we will return to Houston, TX, February 8-10. 

Babette M. Benken, Editor

Changing the Guard and Continuing our Progress

This year's Annual Conference had a record number of presenters and was an exciting opportunity for professional development for all.

Learn more about AMTE’s latest resource that supports the important work of Elementary Mathematics Specialists.

Learn more about how AMTE celebrated its 25th Anniversary.

Applications are due soon for all of AMTE's 2018 awards.

A new report released by the American Physical Society provides recommendations.

Nominations for AMTE President Elect and Board Member-at-Large are due June 1, 2017.

A regular feature that poses a question to members...come read more!

Submit your stories about how you have used AMTE's first volume in the Professional Book Series to Connections today!

Information about recent happenings for a few of our AMTE Affiliates.

The AMTE Board shares recent happenings within the organization.

New webinars are announced for Spring and Fall!

The 2017 STaR Cohort is announced!

AMTE's Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics

AMTE's Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics were released February 9, 2017. They are comprehensive and aspirational standards that describe a national vision for the initial preparation of all teachers PreK-12 who teach mathematics. The AMTE Board greatly thanks the writing team for their hard work.

CITE March Issue is Now Available!

The March issue of Contemporary Issues in Technology and Mathematics Teacher Education is now available and has a mathematics education feature article entitled, "The Presentation of Technology for Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Textbooks: Content Courses for Elementary Teachers," by Dustin Jones, Victoria Hollas, & Mark Klespis, Sam Houston State University.


Connections is a quarterly online publication of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. The newsletter offers a peer-reviewed opportunity for members to disseminate information to the mathematics teacher education community.


Editorial Panel