AMTE serves the mathematics teacher education community through a variety of publication resources including collaborative scholarly publications in both online and print formats, books, monographs and online supplemental materials for AMTE publications.
Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics
Comprehensive, aspirational standards describing a national vision for the initial preparation of all teachers PreK-12 who teach mathematics.

Have an idea for a new AMTE Publication resource?
Do you have an idea for an AMTE monograph? Book? Web resource? Let us know. Download our AMTE Publications Proposal Form and send the completed form with your new idea to the VP for Publications.
Currently, proposals are accepted on a rolling basis. The VP for Publications will submit the proposal to the Publications Review Committee (PRC) for review and a recommendation to the Board. The PRC recommendations include reject, accept, and revise and resubmit. Final approval is determined by a vote of the AMTE Board of Directors. If you have any further questions, please contact the VP for Publications.
Mathematics Teacher Educator Journal
A joint publication of NCTM and AMTE, Mathematics Teacher Educator is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal for practitioners.
AMTE Professional Book Series
Scholarly books addressing important themes for mathematics teacher educators.
Connections is a quarterly online publication featuring news and peer-reviewed contributed articles of special interest to mathematics teacher educators.
CITE Journal
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE Journal) is a quarterly online, peer-reviewed journal, established and sponsored jointly by five professional associations (AMTE, ASTE, NCSS-CUFA, CEE, and SITE).
AMTE Monographs
Between 2004 and 2010, AMTE published seven scholarly monographs related to mathematics teacher education. The monographs have recently been republished by IAP.
Vice President for Publications
Babette Benken,, is the current AMTE Vice President for Publications. If you have questions about future publications, or wish to contribute to the development of publication projects, please contact Babette.