The annual deadline for applications for this scholarship is June 15.
Please find the rubric used by the committee to evaluate nominees with this link.
Apply Here
About the EMS Scholarship
The purpose of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Elementary Mathematics Specialist Scholarship program is to provide support to teachers in their development as elementary mathematics specialists. Elementary mathematics specialists work as teachers, teacher leaders, or coaches and support effective mathematics instruction and student learning at the classroom, school, district, or state levels.
The recipient of the EMS scholarship will receive $2,000 of funding to enhance their mathematics knowledge, teaching, and leadership by enrolling in university coursework or other training to develop the expertise in becoming an elementary mathematics specialist. Funds should be used to work towards an elementary mathematics specialist certificate or endorsement recognized by a state or local education agency such as a school district.
Sponsored by The Math Learning Center
Candidates must possess a valid credential to teach elementary school and must have 3 years of full-time teaching experience.
Note: Scholarship awardees may be interviewed or asked to provide a brief statement about the award and their pursuit of their elementary mathematics specialist certification, along with a photo, edited versions of which may appear on the AMTE website. Appropriate permissions will be requested of awardees.
If you have any questions not answered in the FAQs below, please contact the AMTE office at
Annual Timeline
- June 15: Applications due.
- August 15: Awardees named and notified.
- March 1: Awardees submit a brief statement regarding their use of the funds, along with receipts and reimbursement form, to the AMTE treasurer.
Support the EMS Scholarship
Related links:
Guidelines for Supporting and Preparing Elementary Mathematics Specialists
Elementary Mathematics Specialist Position Statement
2023 EMS Scholarship Recipients
- Kelly Lane
- Amanda Wooten
- Molly McEldowney
2022 EMS Scholarship Recipients
2021 EMS Scholarship Recipients
2020 EMS Scholarship Recipients
- Nicole Williams, Liberty Corner, New Jersey
- Dana Hartzell, Pendleton, Indiana
- Jessica Jung, Rhinelander, Wisconsin
2019 EMS Scholarship Recipients
- Rachel Barrong Aazzerah, Portland, Oregon
- MaryBeth Bates, Bennington, Nebraska
- Stephanie Casasanta, Orange, Virginia
2018 EMS Scholarship Recipients
- Dawoun Jyung, New York
- Enrique Tovar, New York
- Patty Morrison-Manning, Ohio
2017 EMS Scholarship Recipients
- Barbara Woodward Stamberg, Winchester, VA
- Daniel Sweet, Atlanta, Georgia
- Jackie Kessler, Louisville, Kentucky
2016 EMS Scholarship Recipients
2015 EMS Scholarship Recipients
2014 EMS Scholarship Recipients
2013 EMS Scholarship Recipients
AMTE would like to thank our founding sponsor
The purpose of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Elementary Mathematics Specialist Scholarship program is to provide support to teachers in their development as elementary mathematics specialists. Elementary mathematics specialists work as teachers, teacher leaders, or coaches and support effective mathematics instruction and student learning at the classroom, school, district, or state levels.
The recipient of the EMS scholarship will receive $2,000 of funding to enhance their mathematics knowledge, teaching, and leadership by enrolling in university coursework or other training to develop the expertise in becoming an elementary mathematics specialist. Funds should be used to work towards an elementary mathematics specialist certificate or endorsement recognized by a state or local education agency such as a school district.
FAQs (click to expand/collapse)
- Is there a specific program in which I must be enrolled to be eligible for this scholarship?
No, as long as the courses are clearly focused on enhancing your mathematics knowledge, teaching, and/or leadership. AMTE reserves the right to request course syllabi if the course title does not clearly indicate this emphasis. - If my state does not have an Elementary Mathematics Specialist (EMS) Certification but there is an EMS program through a local university, can those courses be eligible for this scholarship?
Yes, as long as the courses are clearly focused on enhancing your mathematics knowledge, teaching, and/or leadership. AMTE reserves the right to request course syllabi if the course title does not clearly indicate this emphasis. - Do I have to be serving as an Elementary Mathematics Specialist to apply for this scholarship?
No. - How much is the scholarship for?
Up to $2000 per year. - If I receive the scholarship, can I reapply for funding in a future year?
Yes, but there will be a different application that will require you to elaborate on the outcomes of the first scholarship. - Do I have to be employed in order to apply for the scholarship?
No, but you do need to have teacher certification. - Do I have to be an AMTE member to apply for the scholarship?