AMMTE (Association for Maryland Mathematics Educators) hosted the first annual Early Career Mathematics Teaching Conference on September 18, 2015, at Stevenson University in Stevenson, Maryland. The goal of this conference was to engage and support our newest teachers in a professional conference and introduce them to the larger mathematics teaching community. Preservice and inservice teachers presented sessions to over 100 participants with enthusiasm, commitment, and energy. The conference highlights included the Maryland Council of Teachers of Mathematics Early Career Outstanding Teacher, Jorden Lim’s, inspiring keynote address, Making the Most of your First Year of Teaching, and, and an elementary, middle, and high school student panel. The beginning teachers networked, shared ideas, and left with a membership to a private google+ community designed just for them. Plans are underway for another conference next fall. Check out or contact the board ( for more information.
CAMTE (California Assocation of Mathematics Teacher Educators) has elected new officers. Our President-elect is Joi Spencer, the new Secretary is Diana Zaragoza, and the new Directors are Gretchen Muller and Lew Douglas. Gretchen will serve a 3-year term. Lew is completing the last year of Joi’s term as a Director.
CAMTE had an affiliate meeting at AMTE in Irvine where we tossed around ideas and were able to honor Babette Benken, who has finished her term as Secretary for CAMTE (see photo below; from left: Diane Kinch, Carol Fry Bohlin, Babette Benken, Judith Jacobs). Her contributions were many and she will be missed.
CAMTE is planning a Meet and Greet in Fresno at the end of February. We will be meeting at the Fresno County Office of Education.
Members of HAMTE (Hoosier Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators) enjoyed attending the Breakfast and Affiliate Meeting at the 2016 Annual AMTE Conference on January 30.
(From left to right—Front row: Rick Hudson, Sheryl Stump, and Kay Roebuck; Back row: Enrique Galindo, Jean Lee, Ron Benbow, and Travis Miller.)
March will be a busy month for HAMTE. On Friday, March 18, we will host a Mathematics Teacher Leadership Conference for elementary and middle school mathematics coaches and specialists and other mathematics leaders in Indiana. Conference highlights will include keynote speaker Maggie McGatha, breakout sessions focused on issues related to mathematics teacher leadership, and a panel discussion about the development of teachers’ content knowledge. On Friday, March 25, the mathematics education faculty at Indiana University-Bloomington, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Purdue University, and HAMTE will host the fifth Indiana Mathematics Education Research Symposium. The symposium is designed to provide graduate students and new faculty with opportunities to share their research ideas and to network with colleagues. Invited are proposals that describe research studies at various stages—completed work, work-in-progress and studies currently under design.
If you have any questions about the work of HAMTE, please contact President Sheryl Stump at
MI-AMTE (Michigan Chapter of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators) has launched its website and has established a Facebook presence (search for MI-AMTE). The affiliate successfully held its first annual meeting and conference, MI-AMTE Conversations among Colleagues on March 19, 2016 at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo. Plans are already underway for next year's conference to be held at Michigan State University on Saturday, March 18, 2017.
MI-AMTE members were well represented at the AMTE 2016 Annual Conference. Those who attended the affiliate breakfast include Annick Rougee, Matt Wyneken, Judith Jacobs, Ed Silver, Jane-Jane Lo, Laura VanZoest, Kristen Bieda, Shari Stockero (President), Diana Sherman, and Jill Mortimer (picture on the left) and Stephanie Casey, Mary Ochieng, Liz Fraser, Shari Stockero (President), Maggie Rathouz, Janice Koop, Rheta Rubenstein, and Monica McLeod (picture on the right).
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NJAMTE (the New Jersey Associtation of Mathematics Teacher Educators) hosted a joint conference with the New Jersey affiliate of the MAA. This event was held at Kean University, with Hyman Bass as featured speaker, on “Connected Mathematical Thinking” and that he also gave a workshop, on “Surprising Mathematical Connections.
Also, consider attending the 10th Annual Conference of the New Jersey affiliate of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, NJAMTE. The conference theme is "Equity in the Classroom." The conference will be held on June 10, 2016 at The College of New Jersey in Ewing, NJ. The keynote speaker, Steven Leinwand of the American Institutes for Research, will deliver an address entitled "Persistent Classroom Challenges that Math Pre-Service Needs to Address."
More information about the affiliate organization, its mission, and the annual conference can be found on their website.
PAMTE (Pennsylvania Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators) will celebrate its 10th Anniversary as an organization this spring! The PAMTE Annual Symposium will be held May 11-12, 2016 at Shippensburg University. Speaker proposals are being accepted now through April 1st. More information can be found on the association website.
Several PAMTE members attended the AMTE meeting in Irvine, CA January 28-30, 2016 where the need for mathematics teacher recruitment was highlighted. PAMTE will be working on this issue within the PA Commonwealth.
PAMTE recently formed a Writing Group to support its members in research, professional writing, and publishing. The group is being led by Dr. Laura Dick, Bucknell University.