The Mathematics and Science PhD Program (MSED) was ranked #4 in the nation in a recent reputation ranking published in 2019 by the American Mathematical Society. Doctoral students participate in cutting-edge research projects, speak at national conferences, and publish papers. An apprenticeship model provides doctoral students with a breadth and depth of research experiences. MSED graduates are in high demand and are able to obtain positions in top research intensive universities, including University of Georgia at Athens, University of Delaware, Virginia Tech, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Portland State, and Rutgers University. The emphasis on strong mathematical content knowledge allows students to obtain academic positions in mathematics departments. The program is operated by two research universities (SDSU and UCSD), with complementary strengths. Thoughtfully-conceived coursework spans a variety of disciplines, including cognitive science, sociology, philosophy, communications, math/science education research, and education studies. There are 50 faculty associated with the program, including 17 mathematics educators. The diverse research areas of MSED faculty provide tremendous variety in the nature of dissertation research that can be supported. Finally, MSED fosters collaboration rather than competition. We are a close knit-community where students support each other, and faculty value and solicit students’ contributions.
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