STaR Program Application Information

Learn about the STaR Program and how to apply!


The Service, Teaching, and Research (STaR) Program provides mentorship and networking opportunities for faculty members at U.S. institutions who are in their first or second year of an appointment at the time of application. The program has now expanded to allow applications from both tenure-track and clinical, instructional, or other continuing track faculty members. Clinical/instructional/continuing track applicants must be in a continuing or long-term position that includes opportunities for promotion or advancement.

The program provides an opportunity for early career faculty members to develop a network of peers and to interact with more experienced colleagues around issues of service, teaching, and research. The program includes a week-long retreat (planned dates June 21-26, 2025 [Sat.-Thu.] and a follow-up meeting at the 2026 AMTE conference. Please encourage eligible mathematics education faculty members to learn more about STaR. Program and application information can be found on the AMTE website. The application deadline is Friday November 15; decisions will be announced by January 31, 2025.

The STaR program is sponsored by AMTE, with funding being provided through two main sources:

  • The generous support of various professional organizations (including AMTE, AMTE state affiliates, NCTM, SIG/RME, PME-NA, ASA, CPM and CMP) and private individuals. These funds are used to provide STaR Fellows with lodging and some meals
  • The support of STaR fellows’ home institutions. These funds provide funding for transportation to and from the summer retreat, some meals, and expenses associated with attending a follow-up meeting prior to AMTE in 2026. Institutional expenses are estimated at $2,500.

The STaR program has supported 15 cohorts since 2010 and has worked with hundreds of early career mathematics educators. These STaR Fellows come out of more than 100 different doctoral programs and hold positions at close to 200 different institutions of higher education. These STaR Fellows and the 2025 Institute Director, Jennifer A. Wolfe (, are happy to answer questions from prospective applicants. Feedback from the 2024 Fellows illustrates what one can expect from the program:

The support and networking has been life-changing. I have formed collaborative groups that will extend my work as a teacher and scholar.

Besides receiving constructive feedback in a collaborative environment, interacting with STaR staff and fellows boosts motivation to move the writing project forward. In addition, discussing with other fellows their manuscripts is a great opportunity to gain insights into their work and how they manage each aspect of the research beyond what is presented in the manuscripts.

I was blown away by the leadership of everyone in our group and the determination. It was amazing connecting with others who are the only MTE at their institution. The teaching groups energized me in a way that I haven't felt in a long time.

I like how depending on our research priorities and expectations, we formed our group. Not all of us were ready to begin a new research project or write new papers so it was great to have a group to support each other in our current ongoing research projects.

The talks were exceptional, and I greatly appreciated the work that the presenters had clearly put into making the sessions their own while also being relevant to STaR fellows.

It is honestly impossible to articulate the impact of the STaR program. I left STaR with 24 amazing friends including 6 fabulous mentors. It is truly hard to describe an experience where you made deep and genuine connections with strangers in just a few days. These folks are the type of friends that I am certain that I could rely on for support or advice if needed. These folks are the type of friends that will show up to my conference presentations to cheer me on and push my thinking (and of course I will be at theirs). I know I will be relying on their varied expertise for years to come. They feel like family.

I come from an amazing department with colleagues that I love and that support me. Being here as the only mathematics teacher educator has been great, and I have felt the freedom to do the work that I find important and meaningful. STaR, first of all, provided me with some sort of validation that I am doing things that others are doing, and I am doing them effectively. It also provided me with a community outside of my university in which I feel as though I belong and can learn alongside that is particularly focused on mathematics education. I have struggled in my early career with feelings of inadequacy and other feelings of being not good enough. These feelings followed me to Park City, and I was extremely nervous to be among amazing teachers and scholars. It did not take long for me to feel a sense of belonging. I think that perhaps the biggest benefit of STaR was the feeling that I AM capable. I AM enough. And I have the support system to help me do good work. STaR was the most valuable professional experience I have ever had. I am so incredibly grateful for the opportunity and for all of the people I met.

The STaR program is dependent on donations to ensure the future of this vibrant program. Of significance is the fact that over half of past STaR Fellows have contributed to the AMTE STaR fund. PLEASE consider giving $25, $50, $100 or more.

Visit the STaR Fellows Program Donation Page for information on how to donate to the STaR Program.