STaR Program Updates

Continued opportunities of fellowship and professional development for early career mathematics education faculty through the AMTE STaR Program are dependent on annual and sustained contributions from individuals, foundations, and professional organizations. Consider making a contribution today using the STaR Fellows Donation Page. Your giving directly impacts the number of STaR Fellows who can be supported in the program each year.


Fellows from the 2024 STaR Cohort, at the STaR Summer Institute in Park City, Utah

In June, the cohort of 18 new Service Teaching and Research (STaR) in Mathematics Education Fellows (see full list below), STaR Program mentors, and AMTE leadership convened in Park City, Utah for the 2024 STaR Summer Institute. The five-day annual event serves as a centerpiece of the AMTE STaR Program, an early career induction program for faculty in mathematics education, supporting Fellows in the areas of service, teaching, research, and leadership. The program provides Fellows with opportunities to network with other new mathematics education faculty beyond the participant's home institution, as well as senior and mid-career mathematics education faculty, who serve as mentors. The STaR Program Committee was led by Dorothy White (University of Georgia), AMTE Associate Vice-President for STaR Fellows Program.

Woven across the institute were themes of service, teaching, and research, in part through presentations from STaR staff. Jennifer Wolfe (University of Arizona) presented on co-creating caring learning communities in mathematics teacher preparation, engaging Fellows in reflection of their own teacher practice. In his presentation focused on research, Anthony Fernandes (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) shared examples of the paths of getting manuscripts published and grants submitted and funded. Belinda Edwards (Kennesaw State University) shared an overview of the variety of service tasks in which faculty can engage, and how that engagement can fit into and advance one’s professional goals.

One STaR Fellow commented, “The talks were exceptional, and I greatly appreciated the work that the presenters had clearly put into making the sessions their own, while also being relevant to STaR fellows.”

Lara Jasien, Head of Research with CPM Educational Program, provided Fellows with an introduction of the CPM curriculum. CPM is a longstanding sponsor of the STaR Program, including scholarships to support travel expenses for Fellows in lieu of institutional support, with a particular focus on faculty from Hispanic Serving Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and from Tribal Colleges.

Dorothy White, AMTE Associate Vice-President of STaR Fellows Program, welcomes Fellows and kicks off the STaR Summer Institute

Throughout the institute, STaR Fellows worked in groups around common teaching and research interests, as well as manuscript review groups. For many Fellows, this was an opportunity to advance their own work and develop new collaborations. Past Fellows have reported these collaborations lasting for several years after the institute, leading to productive and sustained research teams and teaching collaboratives.

“The community and collaboration that we’ve experienced here exceeded my expectations,” said Laura Bitto, 2024 STaR Fellow and an assistant professor at McDaniel College. “I am the sole mathematics teacher educator at my institution, so I have to find collaborations outside of my institution—and that is difficult to do. STaR opened up a world of friendship, researchers, and fellow teachers and collaborators that is amazing.”

The Summer Institute agenda provided multiple opportunities for Fellows and mentors to work in small groups focused on research, teaching, and other shared interests

The Summer Institute agenda also provided opportunities for “fireside chats,” led by STaR mentors, on topics such as grants, promotion and tenure, and work-life balance. Fellows also had time to take advantage of opportunities to relax and socialize, whether playing cards, hiking, or enjoying activities around Park City.

Whether through the formal agenda or the informal interactions, the key to the STaR Program is the development of a network to support scholars in navigating the beginning of their careers.

“It did not take long for me to feel a sense of belonging,” reflected one 2024 STaR Fellow. “I think that perhaps the biggest benefit of STaR was the feeling that I am capable, I am enough, and I have the support system to help me do good work. STaR was the most valuable professional experience I have ever had.”

STaR Program Committee Staff and AMTE Leadership at the 2024 STaR Summer Institute

(pictured from left to right: Anthony Fernandes, Enrique Galindo, Dorothy White, Jennifer Wolfe, Belinda Edwards, and Rick Hudson)

The 2024 STaR Fellows cohort and staff will meet as a group prior to the 2025 AMTE Conference in Reno, Nevada, to reconnect and to report on the progress of their collaborative work.

Since its inception in 2010, the AMTE STaR Program has supported 450 early career mathematics education faculty. Applications for the 2025 STaR Fellows cohort will be accepted this Fall. More information can be found at

Each year, the number of STaR Fellows able to be supported is directly dependent on contributions from individuals, foundations, and professional organizations. Consider making a contribution today using the STaR Fellows Donation Page. Note that AMTE is a not-for-profit organization, so your gift may be tax deductible. If you have questions, please reach out to AMTE STaR Fundraising Chair, Matthew Campbell, at

2024 STaR Fellows Cohort

  • Mahtob Aqazade, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (through Spring 2024); Illinois State University (as of Fall 2024)
  • Nina Bailey, Montclair State University
  • Laura Bitto, McDaniel College
  • Amber Brown, Purdue University (through Spring 2024); University of South Florida (as of Fall 2024)
  • Deependra Budhathoki, Defiance College
  • Bea Ellis, Texas State University
  • Sean Freeland, Carlow University
  • Erell Germia, Kean University
  • Sara Kirschner, University of Maryland, College Park
  • Wenjuan Li, College of Staten Island at the City University of New York
  • Heather Lindfors-Navarro, Northern Arizona University
  • Matthew Melville, Purdue University Fort Wayne
  • Robyn Pinilla, University of Texas at El Paso
  • Allison Roxburgh, Idaho State University
  • Ashley Schmidt, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Ethan Smith, Washington State University Tri-Cities
  • Karoline (Karie) Smucker, Eastern Oregon University
  • Candies Winfun-Cook, University of Mississippi