Embracing Critical Reflection and Collaboration as a Path Towards a Positive Future for Our Organization and Our Students
Welcome to the Spring 2024 issue! We are fresh off an amazing annual conference where there were so many great ideas shared and so many projects started. Be sure to check out the highlights below, and we can't wait to see you in Reno next year! Also included in this issue is our special call for manuscripts focused on AI in mathematics teacher education. Be sure to submit your ideas by March 30th. And, Get the Facts Out has brand new information about their great resources for teacher recruitment. Enjoy this and updates from the CITE Math Journal, podcasts, affiliates, and the Membership Division. Finally, we would like to thank Susan Swars Auslander for her great leadership of AMTE Connections. We will miss her but are so excited about her new leadership role in the organization!
Matt Chedister, Connections Editor
Embracing Critical Reflection and Collaboration as a Path Towards a Positive Future for Our Organization and Our Students
Consider submitting your work and ideas by Mar. 30, 2024.
Read recent articles, find information on submitting your work, and meet the new Editorial Board!
Find updates and information on website resources that support recruitment and messaging efforts
Find important announcements focused on membership, including travel grants and Community Circles.
Volume 5 of AMTE's Professional Book Series was recently published! Find more information here on The AMTE Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education: Reflection on Past, Present and Future - Paving the Way for the Future of Mathematics Teacher Education.
Connections is a quarterly online publication of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. The newsletter offers a peer-reviewed opportunity for members to disseminate information to the mathematics teacher education community.