Looking Down the AMTE Road
Thursday, February 6, 2020, 8:15-10:15 AM, Phoenix D/E
2020 Annual AMTE Conference
The opening plenary session is designed to engage conference attendees in collective reflection.
Note: A follow-up discussion session is scheduled for Thursday at 7:00 pm.
Session Description
Mathematics Teacher Education is undergoing major disruptions. Nationally, mathematics teacher shortages are prominent while enrollment in university-based teacher education programs continue to decline. We are more aware of the inequities that affect who learns mathematics and who teaches mathematics. Technologies continue to provide new opportunities to change the ways teachers are educated and engaged in professional development. Our current context suggests that AMTE should play a critical role as we face challenges and opportunities associated with these disruptions. A panel will challenge us during the opening session of the 2020 AMTE Conference as they discuss the future of mathematics teacher education in general and AMTE’s role in particular. As a community, we will consider the role AMTE might play so that its impact is significant ten or more years into the future, including policies and practices we ought to embrace, the partnerships we need to form, and the people who ought to be part of our organization. The panelists will also highlight initiatives that have been successful and show promise for the future as we work together to address challenges we will ultimately face.

Kathryn Chval

Carlos Nicolas Gomez

Mike Steele
- Kathryn Chval, Dean and Professor, College of Education, University of Missouri
- Carlos Nicolas Gomez, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, Clemson University
- Mike Steele, AMTE President and Professor of Mathematics Education, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee