AMTE is committed to promoting the development, ongoing support, and use of Elementary Mathematics Specialists to enhance mathematics instruction and assessment in order to improve student achievement.

Elementary Mathematics Specialist Scholarship Program
The AMTE Elementary Mathematics Specialist (EMS) Scholarship program provides support to teachers in their development as EMSs. Recipients receive $2,000 of funding to enhance their mathematics content, pedagogical, and leadership knowledge and skills by enrolling in university courses or other training to develop expertise as an elementary teacher, an interventionist, a teacher leader, and a coach. Funds should be used to work toward an EMS certificate or endorsement.
Featured Resources
AMTE published the original Standards for Elementary Mathematics Specialists: A Reference for Teacher Credentialing and Degree Programs in January 2010, and updated these standards in 2013. At the 2024 Annual Conference, AMTE released the Guidelines for Preparing and Supporting Elementary Mathematics Specialists.
Position Statement
AMTE with ASSM, NCSM, and NCTM published the first joint position statement The Role of Elementary Mathematics Specialists in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in 2010. The position was revised to include new perspectives and research and published in 2022.
Elementary Mathematics Specialists (EMS) Book
Elementary Mathematics Specialists: Developing, Refining, and Examining Programs that Support Mathematics Teaching and Learning (2017) provides support to EMS practitioners, program providers/developers, and researchers seeking to answer important questions about how to prepare these professionals, support them in the field, and research their effectiveness.
History of Elementary Mathematics Specialists
Since the early 1980s there have been calls for the use of Elementary Mathematics Specialists (EMSs) as a strategy for improving mathematics learning experiences and achievement for PK-6 students. Whether focusing on teaching mathematics as a generalist or specialist (i.e., teaching multiple groups of students mathematics), or providing informal or formal leadership through mentoring, coaching, or supporting collegial learning, EMSs are making a difference for student and teacher learning.
States with Elementary Mathematics Specialist (EMS) Certification or Credentials
In 2010, 9 states offered EMS certification or credentials. Following the state-certification conferences in 2010 and 2011, along with related dissemination efforts (e.g., conference presentations, publications, research catalyst conference), 25 states now offer state certification for mathematics specialists (i.e., license add-ons for elementary mathematics content, mathematics content and pedagogy, and/or mathematics content, pedagogy, and coaching/teacher leadership).
More Information
For more information on AMTE Initiatives in support of Elementary Mathematics Specialists, please contact Nicole Rigelman at