Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences

Search Status: 


University of Northern Colorado

Tenure-track Position Announcement

The Department of Mathematical Sciences in the College of Natural and Health Sciences at the University of Northern Colorado is seeking applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education. The Department currently offers B.S. Mathematics degrees with licensure in Middle School Mathematics and Secondary Mathematics, an M.S. in Mathematics with a Teaching Emphasis, and a PhD in Mathematics Education, along with B.S. degrees in Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics. In addition, we offer 8 math courses specifically to support the elementary education major. We recently substantially revised our PhD in mathematics education; our first cohort will start in Fall 2024. The Department is currently comprised of a collegial group of 6 mathematicians, 3 mathematics educators, 1 statistician, and 2 computer scientists, and has a strong focus on excellent teaching. See for more information about the Department of Mathematical Sciences. 

Qualifications and Experience 

Minimum Qualifications 

  • A doctorate in Mathematics Education with master’s degree in mathematics or equivalent graduate coursework (18 semester hours or equivalent) in mathematics, or a doctorate in Mathematics or related field with demonstrated achievement in mathematics education research. ABD applicants will be considered if the degree is received by the position start date 

  • Evidence of potential for excellent teaching at the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels 

  • Evidence of potential for future research and publication in mathematics education 

Preferred Qualifications 

  • Strong potential for excellence in teaching that includes responsiveness to and understanding of the socioeconomic, academic and cultural diversity within the university community 

  • Strong potential for active involvement and leadership in our MA and PhD programs in Mathematics Education  

  • Experience with and interest in active classroom environments and innovative teaching at the college level 

  • Experience working with preservice and inservice mathematics teachers  

  • Experience teaching 6-12 mathematics 

Position Description 

Primary responsibilities for faculty in this tenure-track position include teaching courses in undergraduate mathematics and mathematics education and graduate courses in mathematics education; maintaining an active research program in mathematics education; and providing service to the department, university, and community. Duties will include providing leadership in enhancing the revised PhD in Mathematics Education.  

Contact and Application Deadline 

Review of applications will begin October 9, 2023, and will continue until the position is filled. Applications must include a letter of application/cover letter, curriculum vitae, research statement, unofficial transcripts, a teaching statement which should include strategies you would use to support students who are marginalized in STEM fields, and at least three letters of reference that address potential for effectiveness in teaching and research. Applications can be submitted at Inquiries can be directed to Dr. Robert Powers, Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, at

Review of Applicants Begins: 
Monday, October 9, 2023
Contact Name: 
Robert Powers
Contact Email: