Special Call from the MTE Journal

Supporting Teachers to Engage Traditionally Marginalized Learners

We are interested in learning how mathematics teacher educators prepare teachers to honor and build upon K-12 students’ strengths and funds of knowledge. We invite authors to share the ways they support teachers to engage learners who have been traditionally marginalized in mathematics and related disciplines, with specific attention to students with disabilities, immigrant-origin students, and/or students of color. Manuscripts should contain a description of a problem or issue in mathematics teacher education related to supporting traditionally under-served students, the methods/interventions/tools that were implemented, the means by which these methods/interventions/tools and their results were studied and documented, and implications for mathematics teacher educators’ practice.

Some questions for consideration might include, but are not limited to:

  • What ways do you support mathematics teachers to advance equity and justice for minoritized and marginalized students?
  • How have you supported teachers to challenge the dominant narrative around ability in mathematics education? 
  • What ways have you supported teachers to humanize mathematics, mathematics instruction, and/or the mathematics classroom?
  • How have you supported teachers to implement culturally responsive and sustaining practices in their mathematics classrooms?
  • How do you support mathematics teachers’ competencies to engage immigrant-origin multilingual students?
  • How do you support teachers to create inclusive mathematics classrooms for students with disabilities and/or neurodivergent students?
  • What instructional innovations support mathematics teachers to adopt an asset orientation towards students? 

Submission Guidelines and Process:

The abstract should be approximately 300 words and include a description of the population being addressed and a problem of practice. Authors should also describe a tool/intervention that it grounded in research, methods of evaluation of data collected, and evidence of effectiveness. 

Abstracts should be submitted by October 15, 2024 via this link [https://ohio.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_etcdFOmHOtGp4O2]. Abstracts will be reviewed by the editorial board only. Notification to authors who will be invited to submit a manuscript for full review will occur by November 15, 2024. For best consideration, manuscripts should be submitted by Jan 15, 2025, but manuscripts will be accepted beyond this date as well. Full manuscripts will be peer-reviewed with identifying information removed, as per the typical MTE review process. The editorial team welcomes meetings with prospective authors to discuss their work prior to submission. Please reach out to mte@nctm.org to schedule a meeting.

Abstracts submitted by October 15, 2024.

Manuscripts invited for full review notified by November 15, 2024.

Full manuscripts submitted by January 15, 2025 for best consideration.

Anticipated publication for manuscripts beginning in September 2025.

Call for Reviewers:

We always welcome reviewers with expertise in all areas; however, we are particularly interested in scholars who specialize in the study of traditionally marginalized populations. Please complete this form [https://forms.gle/3XzGQDXDDKNahvKL9] if you would be interested in reviewing for MTE.