Math Teacher Education Partnerships - Announcing a Conference within a Conference!

Attend the AMTE and MTEP Conferences in Reno!

Thursday, Feb. 6-Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025, Reno, Nevada

2025 MTEP 2.0 Conference-within-a-Conference

Register and apply for travel support by Nov. 3.

The 2025 MTEP Conference will be held as a "conference-within-a-conference" during the 2025 Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Annual Conference. The theme will be "Transforming Secondary Mathematics Teacher Preparation: Sharing Successes, Challenges and Promising Practices." The schedule of events includes a hybrid MTEP convening on Thursday, Feb. 6 (dinner provided); a networking breakfast on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025; and sessions related to MTEP embedded within the AMTE Conference program. A limited amount of funding will be available to support the attendance of MTEP 2.0 teams and others interested in joining MTEP 2.0 at the AMTE and MTEP conferences. Learn more and register.