News from CITE-Math Journal

Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education–Mathematics (CITE–Math) is an online, open-access journal that provides teacher educators with a forum for sharing best practices about the use of technology in the teaching of mathematics at both preservice and inservice levels. Both research and practitioner manuscripts are welcome and a wide range of formats and approaches to scholarship are accepted in CITEMath, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methodological research studies; theoretical papers; and innovative teacher education practice papers. CITE–Math welcomes the inclusion of various media in submissions, including applets, color graphics, photographs, and video.

Papers are reviewed using the following criteria: relevance to technology and mathematics teacher education, value or usefulness to field or profession, adequacy of design/accuracy of analysis, literature support, inclusion of appropriate implications for practice and/or policy, and clarity of expression. Please visit the following link for more details: CITE-Math Review Criteria.

Our most recent CITE-Math Publication in Volume 23 Issue 2 is Computational Thinking: Perspectives of Preservice K-8 Mathematics Teachers  by Elizabeth K. Barlow, Angela T. Barlow & Louis S. Nadelson.  

Abstract: Advancements in computing have led to increased interest in integrating computational thinking in the K-12 curriculum. Computational thinking can be defined as a problem-solving process with the goal of developing algorithms that can be coded for computer use. With its emphasis on problem solving, the processes associated with computational thinking overlap with those of mathematical thinking, leading to an anticipated reliance on mathematics teachers to teach computational thinking in the K-12 setting. Currently, research related to preservice mathematics teachers’ perceptions of computational thinking is emergent; yet, this research is needed to inform leaders of teacher preparation programs. The purpose of this study was to investigate preservice K-8 mathematics teachers’ views of teaching computational thinking. Participants from three different universities completed an asynchronous, online simulation, responding verbally to prompts related to the importance of and processes for teaching computational thinking to all students. Results demonstrated that participants found value in teaching computational thinking, although the majority either did not connect their ideas specifically to computational thinking or erroneously connected their ideas to mathematical computations and/or technology integration. Further, a large majority of participants demonstrated deficit perspectives of students considered lower achieving. Implications and areas for future work are included.

Please reach out to either of the CITE-Math Co-Editors with any questions: Allison McCulloch ( or Chrystal Dean (