Missouri Mathematics Association for Advancement of Teacher Training ((MAT)^2)

Missouri Mathematics Association for Advancement of Teacher Training ((MAT)^2)

Last modified: 
07/26/2020 - 3:53pm
Year Established as AMTE Affiliate: 

(MAT)2, an affiliate of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, is an organization of Missouri mathematics teacher educators. It was established in 1964.

What? An organization to promote quality teacher preparation programs in Missouri’s higher education institutions.

Who?Anyone interested in improving the preparation of mathematics teachers for grades K-12 is eligible for membership in the Association.

Why?Issues related to development and implementation of quality teacher preparation programs at higher education are common throughout the state of Missouri.  Dialogue and sharing of ideas among all participants involved with the preparation of teachers of mathematics (elementary, middle school, and high school) strengthens all programs and ultimately results in better instruction in Missouri elementary, middle and secondary schools.


Affiliate President: 
Jenni Wall
President Email: 
Affiliate Treasurer: 
Adam Harbaugh
Treasurer Email: 
More Information
Summary of Recent Affiliate Accomplishments and Upcoming Activities: 

(MAT)^2 met virtually in April 2020 to discuss ways to streamline efforts across multiple mathematics education organizations in Missouri. We also discussed the possibility of making an elementary education mathematics pathway to help with transferability of mathematics content courses for elementary education majors.

(MAT)^2 has two meetings annually. One is in the spring, and one is in the winter in conjunction with the Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics annual conference.

Number of Affiliate Members: