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Election Results

Election results, announced at the AMTE Business Meeting in San Diego, are: Nadine Bezuk was elected as the President-Elect, Ron Ward as the Member-at-large, and Dale Oliver as Treasurer.

Thanks to all those who agreed to be nominated, and to all who voted. A special thank you goes to Bonnie Litwiller and Henry S. Kepner for all their work. Email and postal addresses for the new board members can be found in the sidebar on page 1.

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Memebership Brochure

By Fall we will have a membership brochure available to you as you help other mathematics teacher educators from your area to join AMTE. Membership benefits include the special reports that are distributed to our membership. You received two this year. The availability of our listserv to keep you networked with your colleagues, a job placement service on our web site, and reduced registration fees at our own conference are just a few of the benefits of membership. A strong AMTE means a strong voice for the role of mathematics teacher educators in mathematics education reform.

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Meetings at NCTM?

As AMTE grows in membership and in our role in the reform movement, there need to be opportunities for the membership to meet to discuss relevant ideas. Regional meetings afford one such opportunity. It has been proposed that there be an AMTE meeting at all NCTM regional meetings so that we can meet on a local level. If you are will to host such a meeting, contact Robert Wolffe at rjwolffe@bradley.bradley.edu.

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Work with other Associations

Joan Ferrini-Mundy and Hank Kepner, representing AMTE, will be meeting with the Executive Director of the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) to determine how we can collaborate on activities that would benefit both of our organizations.

Joan also will be AMTE's representative at a meeting of association presidents planning joint action on mathematics teacher education.

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Future Action

If any of you are on program committees for conferences, AMTE wants to help with the planning of the teacher education strands and/or holding a "Conference within a Conference." Contact Mary Hatfield if you can help us or AMTE can help you. Mary can be contacted at the College of Education, Arizona State University, 225 Payne, Tempe, AZ 85287-0911. Her phone is 602-965-6067. Her email address is hatfield@asu.edu.

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Recommended for Your Library

Barba, Robertta H. Science in the Multicultural Classroom: A Guide to Teacher and Learning. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1995.

-- an excellent discussion of multiculturalism and how it can be used to facilitate learning of science (and mathematics) in a multicultural classroom. Excellent sections on language, technology, and integrating mathematics and science.

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© 1997 Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators

All rights reserved. For duplication information, contact: ceemast@csupomona.edu
12 Apr 97 | J. Burke | newsletter/4-2/announcements/index.html