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Third Annual Business Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators

Michaele F. Chappell, Secretary
Boston, Massachusetts
April 7, 1995

The third Annual Business meeting of AMTE was called to order at 5:10 pm by President Henry Kepner, Jr. After brief introductions, Henry presented the agenda for the meeting.

Secretary Michaele Chappell presented the minutes from the 1994 Business Meeting; the report was approved with corrections noted.

Nadine Bezuk presented the Treasurer's report, which stated a Final Balance of $5166.34. Nadine commented on types of expenses and current membership; the report was then approved.

Doug Aichele presented the report of the Nominations and Elections Committee (consisting of Doug Aichele, Bob Reese, and Joan Ferrini-Mundy). Officers elected were as follows: Secretary: Michaele Chappell; Members-at-Large: Susan Gay and Mary Hatfield

Lynne Gray presented the report for the Affiliations Committee. Lynne reported on how the AMTE would relate to other important organizations (e.g., NCTM, ATE, MCTE, and MM). Discussions were in favor of developing the AMTE as a formal affiliate of the NCTM. Lynne commented that the committee was working with an ATE-SIG in order to learn how the two organizations can work cooperatively. Additionally, communications were in progress with the MCTE. Other organizations (e.g., ASCD, School Boards) with whom the AMTE could affiliate were mentioned.

Henry presented a report of the AMTE's activities for the 1994-95 year. Among those mentioned were:

Henry then turned the business meeting over to the new President Judith Jacobs. Judith first presented Henry with a gift for his service as President of the AMTE. Judith then presented a State of the Organization Commentary. Highlights from Judith's commentary included the following items.

  1. Things AMTE needs to do: - establish a membership committee to help expand membership; - establish state or regional affiliated groups; - obtain tax-exempt status.
  2. Announcements:
  3. Goals:

Audience members commented that AMTE should:

Judith asked for small groups to discuss key issues in elementary methods and secondary methods education and organizations in which AMTE wants presence. The secondary methods group planned to hold its discussions on LISTSERV; the elementary methods group's report is attached.

Judith adjourned the AMTE meeting at 5:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Michaele F. Chappell, Secretary

Elementary Methods Report

Members: George Bright
Grace Burton
Mary Haffield
Lee Von Kuster
Melfreid Olson
Ron Ward
Recorder: Fran Cucio

Issues for Mathematics Teaching and Learning

  1. Should there be unified content methods courses?
  2. Should we 'cover' fewer topics? We can't teach preservice teachers everything they need to know; what are the implications?
  3. Prerequisite mathematics courses: how many? What kind? How are they taught? Do these adequately serve the needs of the preservice teachers?
  4. Should we be talking about children's thinking about mathematics?
  5. Should we be helping preservice teachers to develop a philosophy of teaching mathematics during the methods course?
  6. What is to be included in the course? Non-mathematics topics (e.g., inclusion, cooperative learning), technology (e.g., calculators and computers), mathematics content, mathematics methods, and children's thinking?
  7. What is the role of field experience?
  8. What is the relation between evaluation instruments that are available and the way preservice teachers are expected to teach mathematics?


  1. Include in Newsletter a column devoted to exchanging ideas.
  2. How do we prepare preservice teachers to survive in schools that do not prescribe to the reform movement?

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12 Apr 97 | J. Burke | newsletter/4-2/features/minutes.html