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AMTE on the Internet

Discussion LISTSERV

AMTE's LISTSERV continues to grow after its creation in 1993. Maintained at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, it is the fastest way to communicate with AMTE members. To subscribe, follow these steps:

  1. Send your message to: listserv@csd.uwm.edu
  2. Leave the subject line blank.
  3. Type only the following in the message body:
    subscribe amte [your name]
    example: subscribe amte DeAnn Huinker

After subscribing, you will receive all messages posted to the listserv and you will be able to post your own messages or reply to messages. To interact with the AMTE listserv and its members, send all mail to:


World Wide Web Site

This is the year in which we established a presence on the WWW. Our web site is visited several times each day, and with the addition of conference information, more full-text articles, and the newsletter online, we expect it to grow rapidly in the coming academic year. In the fall quarter we hope to have in place an archive of AMTE Listserv discussions with search capabilities. Please stop by and visit the next time you're browsing the world wide web, and send your comments to ceemast@csupomona.edu via electronic mail.

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© 1997 Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators

All rights reserved. For duplication information, contact: ceemast@csupomona.edu
12 Apr 97 | J. Burke | newsletter/4-2/features/internet.html